Sunday, December 9, 2012

Questions and Answers.

1. Why does Benjamin argue for the similar effects of Dadaism and Chaplin films?

Benjamin thinks that there are the similar effects of Dadaism and Chaplin films because his films and presented images created nothing but the shock effect like Dadaism except Chaplin does it more naturally.

2. Explain some of positive and negative effects of the destruction of the aura of the art?

 The positive and negative effects of the destruction of aura of the art are as follows-

Positive effects- It allows us to approach art in a more realistic way and also allows people to see the universal equality of things.

 Negative effects- It diminishes the experience of the object since it is taken out of its historical context.

 3. How do you judge or evaluate the impact of mass culture in contemporary life today?

 Mass culture has created more negative impact and very less positive impact in today’s contemporary life. It has been very powerful in creating people’s thought and concept of things and places and affecting their daily lifestyles. People have been fed by this mass culture since they were born so as they grow up they believe it and follow the same trend.So mass culture is manipulating people’s thought and making them believe on those things that they want people to believe. For example, before the Great Depression the media fed people that everything was perfect even they knew that the economy was going down and the mass culture continue making people to buy luxurious things they want even they do not have money. When the Great Depression hit, people were in shock, they could not afford to pay for the things that they had bought; many people did suicide as they lost their money and had nothing left. So this gives us the strong lesson not to follow the mass culture as it is just the illusion created by media. However, it gives the information and idea of what people think and in which direction they are moving.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say "People have been fed by this mass culture since they were born so as they grow up they believe it and follow the same trend." Because of this it is very hard to undo this "training." It is almost programmed into us like a computer and in order for it to unprogrammed, it will take years of work or just have to buy a new brain.
