Sunday, December 2, 2012

Questions and Answers of 'On Pain'

1. Is pain the most important experience in life?

I think pain is the most important experience in life and it is universal truth that every human being experiences this pain in their life period. Junger also thought it is important so his essay ‘Pain’ focuses that the pain is the central experience in human life and human behavior, individual and society is organized in relation to how it deals with pain.

            Pain can be physical and emotional; some protect us and some teaches us a lesson throughout the life process. Sensory pain, for example-if our hand is in exposure to fire it quickly moves back as we feel pain and our mind gives us alarm to remove which protects us  from further being damaged. Also we feel emotional pain in our lives but we do overcome with it and move on in our life; and some might teach us a lesson too. So life is full of pain until death and people should know how to deal or cope with it to live a successful life. Removing emotional pain from life as Junger theory suggests of detachment with individual might make people Saint like Siddhartha or an evil like Hitler.

 2. What does post-liberal mean?

Post –liberal means the period after liberalism. As Junger refers Weimar Republic government as liberalism and after the Nazi took the power, liberalism has ended and it was only two years of rule by Nazis; so he considers that period as post-liberalism.

 3. How does obedience to the state protect the person from pain?

Being loyal to the state or the government and following the rule of it helps people from out of trouble. If a person starts thinking of negative or unfair nature of work that the state is doing, it gives that person a pain and if he tries to rebel against it, he is in big trouble and might face a lot of torture and can be murdered too, especially in Nazis rule; which makes that person face through a lot of pain. So keeping your mouth shut and eyes close from the truth and being ignorant what the state is doing and following keeps you out of trouble or protects the person from pain.

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