Monday, October 29, 2012

German and Libya

German’s political system was established in 1871 with the Kaiser and the Emperor of German Empire. At the end of the World War 1, from every sector there was protest towards the government starting with the soldiers and sailors refused to take the order from their commanders and stopped fighting. Independent councils were formed of soldiers and workers who took direct control of army bases, naval depots or factories. Also there was a mass strikes throughout the industrial cities and capital Berlin. The government used its full strength to suppress the uprisings but failed and The Kaiser and The Emperor stepped down and fled the country. Before the war, there were 3 parties, right- National Liberals, Center- Catholics center party and left- SPD. In 1919, there was a formation of the Weimer Republic while there was massive uprising around the country and the government used its soldiers and militia to suppress the uprisings in which many people were killed and dumped. After the war, there was a swift of the political parties; the right was SPD, center- USPD and left- Spartacus.

 In Libya, there was a civil war which started in February 2011 against the oppressive Muammar Gaddafi regime. Gaddafi used his full strength to suppress the rebels and the protestors killing and injuring many people. But in October 2011, he was captured and killed and his 34 years Jamahiriya state collapsed. So Libya is currently undergoing political reconstruction and governed under interim constitution drawn by NTC. Election was held on July 2012 and NTC handed the power to newly elected assembly.

 In both countries, German and Libya there was a massive revolution act which shook the whole world. In the strikes the government used its full power to suppress the protests as a result many people were killed, injured and properties being damaged creating a violent environment in the nation. The revolution in both countries created change in the government.


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