Sunday, November 11, 2012

3 Rights Given in the Weimar Constitution that are not found in the Bill of Rights.

Article 139
Sunday and other state holidays are designated as days of rest from work and spiritual collection and are, as such, protected by law

Article 146
Public schooling has to be organized organically. Middle and high schools are based on an elementary school common for everybody. For the organization of the school system the variety of occupations, for the acceptance of a child into a school his talent and inclination, but not the economic and social position nor the religious confession of his parents are authoritative.
Within the communities, at the request of Erziehungsberechtigten (21), Volksschulen of their confession or world outlook have to be established, if this does not obstruct the regular operation of the school.

The wish of those Erziehungsberechtigter has, when possible, to be considered. Further details are specified by state legislation, according to principles laid down in a Reich law. Reich, states and communities have to provide funds to allow poor children access to middle and high schools, to grant financial aid to parents, whose children are regarded qualified for the education on middle and high schools, until their education is ended.

 Article 151
The economy has to be organized based on the principles of justice, with the goal of achieving life in dignity for everyone. Within these limits the economic liberty of the individual is to be secured.
Legal force is permissible to realize threatened rights or in the service of superseding demands of public welfare.
Freedom of trade and industry will be realized according to a Reich law.

Weimer Constitution is more similar as US Constitution; however German Constitution contains additional sections that outlines the details of legislation and administration which are lacking in US Constitution. Weimer Constitution was the considered the best Constitution written at that time but also includes the controversial Article 48 that mentions that the President has the power to suspend civil liberties in times of crisis.


  1. I think it is very interesting that "Sunday and other state holidays are designated as days of rest from work and spiritual collection and are, as such, protected by law." This is very good for a population because it enables them to be free from the obligation of work. It is a time to spend with family and practice religion if need be. The Weimar Constitution appears to be more democratic than our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  2. Hi kajal
    I am also enthused with article 139 which has been assign specially as a day of relaxation from work.which you cannot find in the US constitution.but I strongly dislike article 48 which give the president power to suspend civil freedom which Hitler obviosly capitalize to implement all his atrocious plans.
