Sunday, December 16, 2012

Theses on the Philosophy of History

“To articulate what is past does not mean to recognize “how it really was.” . The danger threatens the stock of tradition as much as its recipients. For both it is one and the same: handing itself over as the tool of the ruling classes. In every epoch, the attempt must be made to deliver tradition anew from the conformism which is on the point of overwhelming it. For the Messiah arrives not merely as the Redeemer; he also arrives as the vanquisher of the Anti-Christ. The only writer of history with the gift of setting alight the sparks of hope in the past, is the one who is convinced of this: that not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious” Walter Benjamin.


Benjamin Walter mentions that it is impossible to get all truths from history and that is not a mistake or fault but it is created or manipulated by the ruling classes in favor of themselves. The ruling class justifies and legitimates their rule by creating distorted accounts of history that conceal the history of oppression by them and present themselves as objective and scientific history. Also great figures of the past are twisted by the powerful people to make it fit to suit them.

Why I chose this passage?

I chose this passage because this theory of how truth is manipulated by powerful people and is changed in their way to suit them can be seen today too. We study history in schools and colleges which include how corporate had given people employment, developed the country and so on; but we are not taught how it had exploited workers and children as an ‘industrial slavery’. It also does not teach people about the industrial revolution on which many workers were killed by the corporate and government’s militias while demanding for their rights. In addition, in every war we can hear the country leader mentioning about the God will. But really people can be fooled that easily that they believe that God wants war?

 How do history and nihilism relate? How do people use history as a way to overcome nihilism?

 History and nihilism relate to each other as history is one big disaster and full of suffering and misery; and powerful and strongest people dominated the society until another powerful comes. This norm continued from past which caused people to reject traditional morals and values and continue meaninglessness (nihilism) as a way to justify the oppression and brutality.

People can use history as a way to overcome nihilism by immersing themselves to the history rather than running away. Once people know the history very well they prefer to reject the oppression history and replace with new values and traditions. So, once people dig into the history, they would understand nihilism and then to make a change he should have the will to overcome from it.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Questions and Answers.

1. Why does Benjamin argue for the similar effects of Dadaism and Chaplin films?

Benjamin thinks that there are the similar effects of Dadaism and Chaplin films because his films and presented images created nothing but the shock effect like Dadaism except Chaplin does it more naturally.

2. Explain some of positive and negative effects of the destruction of the aura of the art?

 The positive and negative effects of the destruction of aura of the art are as follows-

Positive effects- It allows us to approach art in a more realistic way and also allows people to see the universal equality of things.

 Negative effects- It diminishes the experience of the object since it is taken out of its historical context.

 3. How do you judge or evaluate the impact of mass culture in contemporary life today?

 Mass culture has created more negative impact and very less positive impact in today’s contemporary life. It has been very powerful in creating people’s thought and concept of things and places and affecting their daily lifestyles. People have been fed by this mass culture since they were born so as they grow up they believe it and follow the same trend.So mass culture is manipulating people’s thought and making them believe on those things that they want people to believe. For example, before the Great Depression the media fed people that everything was perfect even they knew that the economy was going down and the mass culture continue making people to buy luxurious things they want even they do not have money. When the Great Depression hit, people were in shock, they could not afford to pay for the things that they had bought; many people did suicide as they lost their money and had nothing left. So this gives us the strong lesson not to follow the mass culture as it is just the illusion created by media. However, it gives the information and idea of what people think and in which direction they are moving.

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanincal Reproduction

“In photography, process reproduction can bring out those aspects of the original that are unattainable to the naked eye yet accessible to the lens, which is adjustable and chooses its angle at will. And photographic reproduction, with the aid of certain processes, such as enlargement or slow motion, can capture images which escape natural vision.” Walter Benjamin.


 In this passage, Benjamin is explaining that the process reproduction is more independent of the original than the manual reproduction. Also, the importance and the quality of the photography which makes the images noticeable  from different ways. It can enlarge the images so that the very small or invisible images can be seen and the slow motion allows people to examine movement or motion that they cannot do it in real time.

Why I chose this passage?

 I chose this passage because Benjamin tells us the importance of the photography and how it is able to capture the images which people have not noticed before. I think there is a vast difference between the paintings and photography in portraying the images. Photography gives the more realistic, clear and straight forward images which any people can understand. Also I agree with Benjamin as he says, “these reproduction processes have a power to convey message to the people and is useful for the formulation of revolutionary demands in the politics of art” (Benjamin). The picture also gives us the messages, describes the situation of that time frame as well as to detect clues in crime scenes. The photography is very powerful and it describes and shows things without the use of words. For example, the picture of the Lynching of mother and her son in Oklahoma shows the horrifying repression and injustice to the Afro- American people and the insanity of KKK. 
The technology of photography has been so much developed from the period of Benjamin’s time till today and will be more advance in future.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Interpretation and Explanation of the Passage from ' On Pain'

“Pain’s disregard for our system of values greatly increases its hold on life….Our children’s tales close with passages about heroes who, after having overcome many dangers, live out their lives in peace and happiness. We hear such assurances with pleasure, for it is comforting for us to learn about a place removed from pain. Yet, in truth, life is without any such satisfying end, as is evidenced of most great novels, which are either incomplete or crowned by an artificial conclusion.” (Page 4) Ernst Junger


 In this passage, the writer (Junger) mentions that the society holds the myth that good will always triumph over evil or children tales, novels says that  heroes having faced with trouble in their lives at the end face peaceful life and happy ending; which overshadows the real truth of pain. In real life, life does not have happy endings and people’s life is filled with pain. People like this type of stories or myth because they want to avoid pain.

 Why I Chose This Passage ?

I chose this passage because I totally disagree with this passage. I think that including a happy ending in children’s tale or myths like good will always triumph over evil does not overshadow the reality of pain. But it gives people a hope to live their life positively or overcome with the pain that they are suffering from. Also, children brains are not matured enough to understand the dark side of life and if you feed the child by telling him, ‘life is full of pain, there is no happy ending in life and you have to detach your mind from your body to get out from it or accept it in your life.’ I do not think that child can understand you well and eventually as he grows will understand it; and as that child becomes adult he will be full of negativities and is unable to get courage to do anything because he or she is taught to be pessimistic.

 So I believe that telling those stories is encouraging to have faith in ourselves even we are in very difficult position and find a way to get out from there. Also as we grow up older we understand that there is not a guarantee of happy ending in life but still we can try and be positive and try to deal with the pain that we face throughout the life process.


Questions and Answers of 'On Pain'

1. Is pain the most important experience in life?

I think pain is the most important experience in life and it is universal truth that every human being experiences this pain in their life period. Junger also thought it is important so his essay ‘Pain’ focuses that the pain is the central experience in human life and human behavior, individual and society is organized in relation to how it deals with pain.

            Pain can be physical and emotional; some protect us and some teaches us a lesson throughout the life process. Sensory pain, for example-if our hand is in exposure to fire it quickly moves back as we feel pain and our mind gives us alarm to remove which protects us  from further being damaged. Also we feel emotional pain in our lives but we do overcome with it and move on in our life; and some might teach us a lesson too. So life is full of pain until death and people should know how to deal or cope with it to live a successful life. Removing emotional pain from life as Junger theory suggests of detachment with individual might make people Saint like Siddhartha or an evil like Hitler.

 2. What does post-liberal mean?

Post –liberal means the period after liberalism. As Junger refers Weimar Republic government as liberalism and after the Nazi took the power, liberalism has ended and it was only two years of rule by Nazis; so he considers that period as post-liberalism.

 3. How does obedience to the state protect the person from pain?

Being loyal to the state or the government and following the rule of it helps people from out of trouble. If a person starts thinking of negative or unfair nature of work that the state is doing, it gives that person a pain and if he tries to rebel against it, he is in big trouble and might face a lot of torture and can be murdered too, especially in Nazis rule; which makes that person face through a lot of pain. So keeping your mouth shut and eyes close from the truth and being ignorant what the state is doing and following keeps you out of trouble or protects the person from pain.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hitler's Final Speech at his Trial for Treason, March 27, 1924

"Then, gentlemen, not you will be the ones to deliver the verdict over us, but that verdict will be given by the eternal judgment of history, which will speak out against the accusation that has been made against us. I know what your judgment will be. But that other court will not ask us: Have you committed high treason or not? That court will judge us, their quartermaster-general of the old army, its officers and soldiers, who as Germans wanted only the best for their people and Fatherland, who fought and who were willing to die. You might just as well find us guilty a thousand times, but the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear up the motions of the state's attorney and the judgment of this court: for she finds us not guilty."

 In his speech he addresses to the court that he is proud of what he had done (attempt to overthrow the Republic) for the beneficial of Germans  and even the court finds him guilty he refers to “eternal court” which might include God as well as Germans will not find him guilty. This passage shows that Hitler is trying to get support from the public by saying that he is right and he did that only to improve or uplift German and destroy Republicans as well as Marxism and mentions that the people who had fought for their country and love their Fatherland would understand. He is portraying himself as a hero in this statement who is willing to do anything for his country.


“Hitler’s Final Speech at his Trial for Treason, March 27, 1924”, Facing History and Ourselves, 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2012.

Similarities and Differences among Three Political Parties


The similarities of these three parties (Communist party,  The Nazi party, Social-Democratic party) was they were claiming that they would make a better Germany than it was at that period and wanted the support of German people; however they had their own  principles to do that.


Communist Party: They were the left wings who were radical anti-Republicans. They were favoring Russian style Communist dictatorship. They wanted to change the nation towards progress by abolition of private property, establishment of land reform programs and government control of the land and business industry so that they can distribute for the common good as well as people could benefit rather than capitalists. They were strong supporters of progressive taxation, government social welfare programs and labor unions including equality and economic opportunity for women. They were less nationalistic, militaristic and anti-Semitic than the right parties. They said, “The cause of your misery is the fact that French, British and American capitalists are exploiting German workers to get rich themselves. Germans unite to get rid of this terrible burden.”

 Nazi Party: They were anti-Republican right wings who were strong nationalists, supported large military and anti- Semitic and were opposed to social welfare programs, labor unions and progressive taxation. They wanted to change the nation by abolition of Treaty of Versailles, excluding Jews from the member of nation, expanding land and territories for their surplus population as well as the full responsibility of the government to give its people live decently and earn their livelihood. Also they wanted the reconstruction of the national system of education which would make people more loyal towards their country; wanted to exclude all foreigners and media control by the Germans and its own German language. The Nazis were in favor of economy directed by industrialists and landowners with large estates.

 Social Democratic Party: They were left wings but supported the Republic and democracy. They supported the government of that period and wanted to make that government more successful in freedom, democracy and in justice. They wanted to create more jobs, give unemployment compensation for 6 months, cut government expenditures taxes as well as freedom of speech. In other words they wanted the nation to be more liberal and supported the social welfare programs to make Germany a better nation.


 “Political Party Platform”: Facing History and Ourselves. 2011. Web. 25 Nov.2012.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Passage from “Politics as a Vocation”:

Passage from “Politics as a Vocation”:
The leadership of a state or of a party by men who (in the economic sense of the word) live exclusively for politics and not off politics means necessarily a ‘plutocratic’ [rule of the wealthy, after the Roman god of wealth and the underworld, Pluto—Prof.] recruitment of the leading political strata. To be sure, this does not mean that such plutocratic leadership signifies at the same time that the politically dominant strata will not also seek to live ‘off’ politics, and hence that the dominant stratum will not usually exploit their political domination in their own economic interest (pp. 85-6)
This passage means the people should make up government and political parties who do not rely on politics to support their families. Even though they do not need politics to physically survive, these men still seek opportunities to make money off of politics. They usually exploit their political position in their own economic interest. For example, supporting the corporate company and giving the extreme tax cuts to get benefit from them whereas making them richer.
Why I chose this Quote
 I chose this passage because it shows us the nature of the politicians who are either rich or are middle class, both of them do as it benefits to them not the public.

Weimar Political Parties

1. Catholic Center Party:
It was more diverse party but had uniformity to protect the interests of German’s Catholics who were of 34% of population. So the largest numbers of supporters were Catholics, some Protestants who were included in legislative delegation including 1% of Jews also voted the Catholic Party. Catholic women also highly voted. The Center Party was vital to the stability of Republic and was the part of every Weimer government. Its leader served as chancellors for nine administrations and was included in each of the twenty-one cabinets that ruled during the fourteen years of the Republic. With the change in the leadership of the party in 1928, it drifted towards its more conservative wing which evolved into the Bavarian People’s Party and was positioned itself in opposition to the Weimer government.

 2. Communist Party(KPD)
Communist Party was the left wing sided and founded in 1981 in the midst of revolutionary chaos. The party’s earliest members came from the radical Spartacist group but were crushed by Social Democratic army. They were opposed to the existence of Weimer Republic and were antagonistic to the democratic leftist social Democratic Party. The Communists were in favor of a Russian style dictatorship and during the Weimer crisis years, its voting strength grew as unemployed people were more attracted. Although the party had feminist agenda and were opposed to anti-Semitism and were Jews leaders could not get a huge number of support from women and Jews.

 3. German Democratic Party (DDP)
They were members of protestant middle class and often from professional group of lawyers, doctors and liberal academics. The party supported the Weimer Republic and was resistant to militarism and anti-Semitism. Jews and protestant highly supported the party and while the party fits on the left side of the political spectrum, it stressed its moderation. There was a rise in Weimer Republic support in 1919 and later eroded the support of Weimer’s end period. This party was in decline later on because of the death of its prominent leaders Max Weber and Friedrich Newmann. Though of its declining support, the party played an important role during the Weimer years and was a participant in coalition governments. Later the Party reconstituted itself as he State Party.

 4. German Nationalist People Party (DNVP)
The supporters of this party were Protestants and a mix of landowners and industrialists with crafts people and civil servants and farmers who followed the wealthy landowners. Also attracted the more conservative elements among the white collar clerical and retail sales workers. It was militaristic, resistant to republic government, opposed to attempts to fulfill the terms of the Versailles treaty and anti-Semitic.

5. German People’s Party (DVP)
It represented owners of small and middle-sized business, white collar workers and Protestants. It lacked the rural base of the nationalists and was more moderate in its nationalism and less extreme in its anti-Semitism. The party had a core group who were willing to support and participate in Weimer coalition government which kept conservatives like Gustav Stresemann as party leader while other members were never reconciled to the new Republic.

 6. National Socialist German Workers Party ( NSDAP-Nazi)
It was founded in 1919 as the German Workers Party and moved forward as Adolf Hitler emerged as its speaker and leader. This party initially attracted young military who were unable to reintegrate themselves into the civilian society and economy. Also they had a support of middle class people, shopkeepers, artisans and white-collar workers. The party was opposed to the Weimer Republic and in 1923 Hitler tried unsuccessfully to seize the government by force but failed and later attempted a strategy of gaining power through the electoral process without changing its fundamental opposition to democracy and republican government. Anti-Semitism and the threat that the Jews represented to Germany were at the core of the Nazi ideology.  Although Hitler was Catholic there were fewer Catholic supporters than Protestants where as women support grown faster. By 1932, the Nazis had become the most popular political party and they had the largest legislative delegation. This party was funded by industrialists because they hated Communism.

 7. Social Democratic Party (SPD)
This party was supported by blue-collar trade union skilled workers, progressive white-collar workers and intellectuals as well as Catholics and Protestants were both attracted. In some parts working class families voted this party in large numbers; also landless farm workers, working class women, some Jews. From 1919 to 1932 this party received the most votes in national elections and had the largest legislative delegation. They were committed to reform Weimer society and hoped to make Weimer more egalitarian and was opponent of anti-Semitism during the Weimer years.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Article 48

If a state (8) does not fulfil the obligations laid upon it by the Reich constitution or the Reich laws, the Reich President may use armed force to cause it to oblige.
In case public safety is seriously threatened or disturbed, the Reich President may take the measures necessary to reestablish law and order, if necessary using armed force. In the pursuit of this aim he may suspend the civil rights described in articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 154, partially or entirely.
The Reich President has to inform Reichstag immediately about all measures undertaken which are based on paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article. The measures have to be suspended immediately if Reichstag demands so.
If danger is imminent, the state government may, for their specific territory, implement steps as described in paragraph 2. These steps have to be suspended if so demanded by the Reich President or the Reichstag. Further details are provided by Reich law.


It means that the President can use the armed force if the state does not follow the rules of Reich constitution or its laws and the President has the power to suspend civil liberties in case of crisis. However if Reichstag did not think that it is appropriate then the President has to suspend his action.


 This shows that the President has given too much power which is dangerous for the public as well as Reichstag itself. The explanation of using armed force and taking necessary measures to reestablish law and order if the public safety is seriously threatened or disturbed is appropriate but suspending the civil rights is indicating towards autocratic step, not democratic. I think the Reichstag were scared of the rebellions of right and left wings so they passed such kind of law to be able to control them, and is highly controversial  because of this law Nazis were able to turn the country towards dictatorship.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weimar Constitution

Article 148

All schools have to work towards ethical education, patriotic spirit, personal and occupational fitness in the spirit of German nationality and international understanding. In the instruction at public schools it has to be taken into consideration not to hurt the feelings of dissenters. Civics and teaching by doing are school subjects. Every pupil, upon graduation, will be given a copy of the constitution. Secondary education, including Volkshockschulen (general education schools open to everyone) have to be promoted by Reich, states, and communities.


It means that all schools should have such programs and education material that would focus towards German nationality and have patriotic spirit and all schools are under control of the government. It also talks about making the students aware of the constitution as it says that a copy of the constitution is given upon graduation. In addition, it gives a touch of democracy as it is conscious not to hurt the feelings of dissenters.


It is important to make students conscious about their rights as well as know their countries’ rules and regulations, and also making a education system in such a way which reflects patriotic spirit and loyal towards nationality encourages the future generation to love their nation and do whatever they can to save it if necessary. It respects people who disagree with this system which is important in democracy. However, too much intervention of the state or government can lead the education system too focus towards nationalist tendency rather than education.

3 Rights Given in the Weimar Constitution that are not found in the Bill of Rights.

Article 139
Sunday and other state holidays are designated as days of rest from work and spiritual collection and are, as such, protected by law

Article 146
Public schooling has to be organized organically. Middle and high schools are based on an elementary school common for everybody. For the organization of the school system the variety of occupations, for the acceptance of a child into a school his talent and inclination, but not the economic and social position nor the religious confession of his parents are authoritative.
Within the communities, at the request of Erziehungsberechtigten (21), Volksschulen of their confession or world outlook have to be established, if this does not obstruct the regular operation of the school.

The wish of those Erziehungsberechtigter has, when possible, to be considered. Further details are specified by state legislation, according to principles laid down in a Reich law. Reich, states and communities have to provide funds to allow poor children access to middle and high schools, to grant financial aid to parents, whose children are regarded qualified for the education on middle and high schools, until their education is ended.

 Article 151
The economy has to be organized based on the principles of justice, with the goal of achieving life in dignity for everyone. Within these limits the economic liberty of the individual is to be secured.
Legal force is permissible to realize threatened rights or in the service of superseding demands of public welfare.
Freedom of trade and industry will be realized according to a Reich law.

Weimer Constitution is more similar as US Constitution; however German Constitution contains additional sections that outlines the details of legislation and administration which are lacking in US Constitution. Weimer Constitution was the considered the best Constitution written at that time but also includes the controversial Article 48 that mentions that the President has the power to suspend civil liberties in times of crisis.

Monday, October 29, 2012

German and Libya

German’s political system was established in 1871 with the Kaiser and the Emperor of German Empire. At the end of the World War 1, from every sector there was protest towards the government starting with the soldiers and sailors refused to take the order from their commanders and stopped fighting. Independent councils were formed of soldiers and workers who took direct control of army bases, naval depots or factories. Also there was a mass strikes throughout the industrial cities and capital Berlin. The government used its full strength to suppress the uprisings but failed and The Kaiser and The Emperor stepped down and fled the country. Before the war, there were 3 parties, right- National Liberals, Center- Catholics center party and left- SPD. In 1919, there was a formation of the Weimer Republic while there was massive uprising around the country and the government used its soldiers and militia to suppress the uprisings in which many people were killed and dumped. After the war, there was a swift of the political parties; the right was SPD, center- USPD and left- Spartacus.

 In Libya, there was a civil war which started in February 2011 against the oppressive Muammar Gaddafi regime. Gaddafi used his full strength to suppress the rebels and the protestors killing and injuring many people. But in October 2011, he was captured and killed and his 34 years Jamahiriya state collapsed. So Libya is currently undergoing political reconstruction and governed under interim constitution drawn by NTC. Election was held on July 2012 and NTC handed the power to newly elected assembly.

 In both countries, German and Libya there was a massive revolution act which shook the whole world. In the strikes the government used its full power to suppress the protests as a result many people were killed, injured and properties being damaged creating a violent environment in the nation. The revolution in both countries created change in the government.


Luxemburg's Essay Passage

"From dead machines assigned their place in production by capital, the proletarian masses must learn to transform themselves into the free and independent directors of this process. They have to acquire the feeling of responsibility proper to active members of the collectively which alone possesses ownership of all social wealth. They have to develop industriousness without the capitalist whip, the highest productivity without slave drivers, discipline without the yoke, and order without authority. The highest idealism in the interest of the collectivity, the strictest self-discipline the truest public spirit, just as stupidity, egotism and eruption are the moral foundation of capitalist society." Rosa Luxemburg, "What does the Spartacus League want?"
I think in this passage, Luxemburg stresses the proletarian masses to transform in a new order or into free and independent directors to achieve socialist society which would be favorable for German people. She mentions that capitalist main purpose is to get profit as much as possible making the workers as slaves and even making them skill less and jobless by replacing workers with machines for mass production. So she reminds the main goal of revolution to change the capitalist society and create a socialist society where every people get equal opportunity and freedom to live a good life and also tells the proletarian masses to follow the new order which would be beneficial for German people.
I agree with Rosa Luxemburg and the negativity of the capitalist society which we are also facing today in our life. The capitalism has forced people to work in a very low wages, cuts in benefits, and many being jobless as the work have been shifted to foreign countries to make more profit. So the rich people are getting richer and poor people in our country are getting poorer day by day and many people are being homeless because they loss their jobs, they could not afford to pay the rent and so on. So there must be done something to make the change which would relieve the burden from working class who have been in pressure throughout their whole life and uplift them from the poverty.

Luxemburg, Rosa. Rosa Luxemburg: What Does the Spartacus League Want?. Ed. Martin Nicolaus. Marxists Internet Archive , 14 Dec. 1918. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. <>.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Kracauer’s Central Thesis

I do agree with Kracauer’s central thesis about the film produced in the pre-Nazi period up to 1933 reveal a desire for an authoritarian leader which the three films, “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”, “The Blue Angel” and “M” portrays it.

In the film, “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”, Dr. Caligari is shown as the authoritarian figure that uses his power or hypnotizes Cesare and orders him to kill people. The fairground represents chaos and anarchy. Also the carnival portrays the desire to be free. So, it shows the choice between chaos and Nazis and at the end as Dr. Caligari was shown as a hero figure which interprets that the desire of Nazis.

In the film, “The Blue Angel” the extreme repression shows aggressive students which reflects the Hitler youth and professor Rath who seems a very weak character who could not control his wife and his surrounding shows the requirement of a strong man or a authoritarian leader, otherwise their life would be a failure like professor Rath.

In the film, “M” it shows the society was in kind of mob rule and due to democracy people did not care of searching or helping the mothers whose children were abducted.
So, this film shows that the democracy or freedom created the terror of children killings and all kinds of instability and that needed to be stop or controlled by an authoritarian leader. Also in the end people wanted to kill the killer because they think that if he was given to government he could be free which shows people’s not trusting the government and law.

In conclusion, due to the worse economy, poverty, increased crimes people were looking for an authoritarian leader which could solve those problems and bring into control. So the movies that were made at that period reflect the society’s demand and their nature.

Short Essay on Murder Themes

The Arthur of the “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep: A Brief History of Child Murder In Cinema” believes that the movie’s success is related to the subject, types of characters and the presentation of torture and abuse scenes. He believes that the film that has subject of child murder and pedophilia is very hard to get success in the box office because it covers very sensitive issue and even the movie is handled sensitively results of box office is failure. However, some movie gets success in box office which does not include controversy and only mentions the child murder (not including dramatizing scenes and pedophilia).

 The film “In a Glass Cage” is a 1987 Spanish art house horror film directed by Augusti Villaronga in which an abused adolescent boy reveals his own darkest urge by taking place of his abuser. It contains torture, pedophilia and homosexuality.  In this film, the murder is shown in such a torturous way so that the movie was highly controversial and was even banned in Australia. This film relates to “M” film in terms of the similar subject serial killer and pedophiles and both film somehow includes Nazism; in M it shows some of the characters as Nazis and people preferring authoritarian leader as this film was released before the Nazis seizure of power, and “In a Glass Cage” it shows the ex-Nazi German doctor as the child abuser.

The film” Tenderness of the Wolves” is a 1973 German film directed by Ulli Lommel which is based on the crimes of German serial killer. In the movie a gay German informant for the local police who murders 70 adolescent boys. Also this movie does not show much violence but the frank depiction of pedophilia and eating and selling the victims body in the name of pork meat makes it a queasy movie. It is related to “M” movie as it is based on the real serial killer and pedophiles. Also both movie is filmed in German and shows the German social environment and does not present the torture or abusive scenes.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Interpretation of Paragraph 175

Paragraph 175 is about a national prohibition that was added to the Reich Penal code in 1871 stating that any unnatural sex act between male or by humans with animals would be punished by imprisonment and will loose their civil rights . In 1935, after the death of Ernst Roem the Nazi’s reform this law in three parts. Paragraph 175 stated that sex between men would be punishable but might refrain from punishment if the male is below 21 years old. Paragraph 175a included that persons who involved in sex between men would be imprisoned for 10 years and even he was a victim had to serve for 3 months.Paragraph 175b included that if human performed sex with animals would be imprisoned and also loose their civil rights.

 I think this Paragraph 175 is related with the lecture. First of all, it can be related to the movie “Blue Angel” in which a professor Rath’s personal choice to have affair with the cabaret performer Lola leads to loose his job. From this it is shown that there was a social structure that would punish people that did not conform to society’s standards and this law also tells about the punishment if someone is acting out of natural sex or going against the society’s standards. In addition, professor Rath choosing Lola in his life leads him to self destruction that might be indicating the Germans to be aware of that if someone would go against the society’s rules then they will be destroyed like the character Rath. Also the actress who played the role of Lola, Marlene Dietrich herself was a bi-sexual so this might be the reason that she fled to USA to live a free life.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Lavender Song” (Das Lila Lied), music by Mischa Spoliansky, lyrics by Kurt Schwabach (1920)

Translated Lyrics:

What makes them think they have the right to say what God considers vice
What makes them think they have the right to keep us out of Paradise
They make our lives hell here on Earth
poisoning us with guilt and shame
If we resist, prison awaits so our love dares not speak its name
The crime is when love must hide
From now on we'll love with pride

 Was will man nur? Ist das Kultur,
da jeder Mensch verpönt ist,
der klug und gut, jedoch mit Blut
von eigner Art durchströmt ist,
da grade die Kategorie
vor dem Gesetz verbannt ist,
die im Gefühl bei Lust und Spiel
und in der Art verwandt ist?
Und dennoch sind die meisten stolz,
da sie von anderm Holz!
Wir sind nun einmal anders, als die andern,
die nur im Gleichschritt der Moral geliebt,
neugerig erst durch tausend Wunder wandern,
und für die ’s doch nur das Banale gibt.
Wir aber wissen nicht, wie das Gefühl ist,
denn wir sind alle andrer Welten Kind;
wir lieben nur die lila Nacht, die schwül ist,
weil wir ja anders als die andern sind.

 This song was written when the government had established basic democratic rights in which gay, lesbian, and transgender community were covered and has abolished censorship. This song lyrics tells us the injustice that gay men and lesbians had to face for whom they were and their struggle to live with pride in German society. It includes that the gay men and lesbians were seen as they were curse of God and were treated brutally, for example- were beaten, jailed, forced to leave the town, or even killed. So they were living a life of guilt and shame of who they were and were forced to hide their identity due to fear of punishment that the society and government would give to them. They could not express their love to the same sex individuals or had to hide from the society which they think was crime and were raising their voice that they will not hide who they were and their love.

 I chose this lyrics because it talks about the struggle of gay men and lesbians which still persists today. This song was written in 1920 and tells us about the establishment of democratic rights and censorship abolishment for the short period of time. We can see today, 2012 that we have laws that talks about the rights of gays, lesbians and transgender and also approval of same sex marriage in some states but still we can see many hate crime in our society; for example, people are beaten, students are bullied, and even killed because of who they are. People should have to change the concept that those people are also human being and they should have full rights to live their life freely and choose their partner as they wish.

“Throw out the Men” (Rausmit den Mannern) by Friedrich Hollaender(1926)

The battle for emancipation's been raging since history began
Yes, feminists of every nation want to chuck off the chains made by man
Hula girls and housemaids and wives in Maribou
hear all our voices thunder in protest
Anything that men do women can do too
and more that that we women do it best

 Raus mit den Männern!
(für Claire Waldoff)
Es geht durch die ganze Historie
ein Ruf nach Emanzipation
vom Menschen bis zur Infusorie
überall will das Weib auf den Thron.
Vin Hawai-Neger bis zur Berliner Range
braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall daher:
Was die Männer können, können wir schon lange
und vielleicht ’ne ganze Ecke mehr.

 The lyrics of the song tells us that women raising their voice to be free and focused to get equal rights in men dominating society as they claim that they can do anything that men can do and can do better than men. This lyric was written in 1926 and it shows us that women were suppressed by men and women were struggling to get their freedom. It also tells us that there women had struggle for emancipation from the beginning and is encouraging every woman who have minor jobs or housewives in the town of “Maribou” to raise their voice in achieving their freedom.

 I chose this lyrics because it talks about women’s struggle to achieve their freedom in male dominating society. Women are struggling today too for their rights in many developing countries and are suppressed by men. In many developing countries, women are not allowed to get education, have no voting rights, abused physically and mentally by men, and women who work have only minor jobs, for example- housekeeping, housemaids, cleaner, care taker and so on. Also, in a country like USA, there is discrimination among men and women in daily life even though we have equal rights and freedom laws. Women are considered weak and inferiors. In many top positions there are few women compared to men and none in the leading position of the country, for example-president, commander in chief.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

 “It is claimed that standards were based in the first place on consumers’ needs and for that reason were accepted with so little resistance. The result is the circle of manipulation and retroactive need in which the unity of the system grows ever stronger. No mention is made of the fact that the basis on which technology acquires power over society is the power of those economic hold over society is great.” Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1944).

Adorno Theodor was born in 1903 in Frankfurt and was a German Jewish sociologist, philosopher and musicologist and is known for his critical theory of society. He obtained his degree in philosophy from University in Frankfurt in 1924. He taught two years in Frankfurt and immigrated to England in 1934 to escape from Nazi persecution of Jews. He has taught in University of Oxford, went to USA and worked at Princeton; was co-director of the Research Project on Social Discrimination at the University of California. Later, in 1949 he and his colleague, Max Horkheimer returned to the University of Frankfurt were they rebuilt the Institute of Social Research and revived the Frankfurt school of critical theory, which contributed to the German intellectual revival after Word War 2. He was married to Greter. Adorno died in August 6, 1969 because of heart attack.

 Adorno Theodor’s early writings emphasize aesthetic development evolution and “one of his theme was civilization tendency to self destruction which indicated Fascism”
(Encyclopedia of Marxism). He believed that social control is maintained by the cultural industry. His famous books are Dialectic of Enlightenment (written by Adorno and Horkheimer) where “Adorno and Horkheimer located this impulse in the concept of reason itself, which the Enlightenment and modern scientific thought had transformed into an irrational force that had come to dominate not only nature but humanity itself. The rationalization of human society had ultimately led to Fascism and other totalitarian regimes that represented a complete negation of human freedom. Adorno concluded that rationalism offers little hope for human emancipation, which might come instead from art and the prospects it offers for preserving individual autonomy and happiness”(Encyclopedia Marxism).

 The cultural values and ideas are set in a society with the help of communications and electronic media. In today’s context, people are blinded by the mass media which from outside claims that they are in favor of the public, but truth always remains hidden. The mass media is owned by very rich and conservative people who only think about their profit and according to that strategy the news and other programs are delivered towards the public. Everyday watching the same news and advertisement public believes on them and adapts it in their daily life. The news is manipulated, biased and one- sided favoring the richest and powerful people of the society which has made the public blind.

 I do agree with this quotation because it tells the truth of our society and how the mass culture is being developed by the mass media which is making the public dull and giving only one sided aspects of the truth and making profit out of it.


 Theodor, Adorno and Horkheimer, Max. The Culture Industry: Enligtenment as Mass       

     Deception. “The Frankfurt School.” Marxists. Org. 1944. Web. 7 Oct.2012


Theodore, Adorno(1903-1965). “Glossary of People.” Ho.,n.d. Web.

     7 Oct. 2012


Questions and Answers of “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”.

 1. How does Dr. Caligari symbolize authority?

 Dr. Caligari symbolizes authority as in the movie it shows that he is the master of the sleepwalker “Cesare” who is hypnotized by Dr. Caligari and he commits murder according to his master’s order. So, he is portrayed as the world of insane murderous authorities and universal conscription. Also, at the end being the head of the institute, a Psychiatrist shows him as a symbol of authority.

 2. How does the profit motive affect cultural production in the modern age?

The profit motive thinks what is profitable and less controversy or does not want to criticize the traditional authority and changes the ending of the story of a film which completely transforms the message of the film. Also the creative tension is resolved due to profit motives. It reinforces traditional authority to assume that the audience receives the message in the intended way.

 3. Why does Kracauer interpret the film as a choice between tyranny and chaos?

Kracauer interprets the film as a choice between tyranny and chaos because he believes that the film reveals the nihilistic core of German life in the 1920s and 1930s. He refers the circular movements of hte merry-go-round, and the organ grinder's arm as he plays his music box  symbolizes chaos and Caligari refers to Hitler.

 4. How does the film foreshadow the Nazi regime according to Kracauer ?

 According to Kracauer, the character of Dr. Caligari as a combination of con-man and psychiatrist and can be interpreted as “Hitler” which indicates the Nazi regime.

 5. What is praxis and how does it relate to cultural criticism?

Praxis is the fusion of theory and practice. The predominant tendency of all intellectuals is to study intellectual matters in isolation from the world and praxis is meant to shake them up into practical engagement in the world. It relates to cultural criticism as it is said that the new product develops the mass culture which destroys the dynamic interaction between culture and society.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Siddhartha Quotation

“ Most of all, he learned from it to listen, to pay close attention with a quiet heart, with a waiting, opened soul, without passion, without a wish, without a judgment, without an opinion.”

       This passage describes the key factors for being a good listener. To be a good listener, one should have patience and have to be a very good observer. As well as a listener should listen without any kind of judgment, opinion or biasness. In the story, Siddhartha, eventually with the guidance of Vasudeva, is able to listen to the river that has been telling many things by through his heart clear.

        I chose this passage because it shows us how to be a good listener that I think we all need in this century where people do not listen to each other and are in a rush all the time. People are so impatient that they do not think or try to listen patiently and they just make judgment or come to the conclusion without getting into the depth. So, applying this technique in each individual’s life, one will be able to connect with other people and will develop patience which would create very good understanding among individuals. Also it is very important in our job too, especially as a psychiatrist, nurse, doctors and other profession.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Assignment 2

5 Questions and Answers

 1. Why does Siddhartha leave his father?

Siddhartha leaves his father because he was not satisfied with the Brahmans and his teachers. He wanted to reach to the self, the Atman but no one would know how to reach it. So he wanted to become a Samana( ascetics) and find blissfulness.

 3. If Siddhartha never lived with Kamala and the people in the city would he have reached Enlightenment faster?

I don’t think Siddhartha would have reached to Enlightenment faster, if he never lived with Kamala and the people in the city. Living with Kamala and with the people in the city made him lost his spirit, unlearned thinking again, forgot oneness and became from a thinker to childlike person. When he realizes what he has become, he panics and through despair, sinking down to the most foolish thoughts of suicide, he experiences divine grace and he was able to find his Atman again. But if he had not had all this experience he would still be in search of the Enlightenment as he had too much knowledge with him which had prevented him from getting it.

4. What is the significance of river?

River has played an important role in learning and understanding the life and reaching to blissfulness for Siddhartha. In this story, river represents the voice of life, voice of what exists and of what is eternally taking shape. It also helps Siddhartha to be patience, be a good listener and able to listen what the river is telling him.

 5. How would you evaluate Siddhartha/Hesse’s philosophy of detachment?

I do agree that humans are attached to money, power, relationships and so on. As a result they are struggling and fighting with each other in order to achieve those things and are unable to get out from that narrow world and see the wiser perspective. So I agree and feel logic in being detachment from “Sansara” would prevent people from focusing on the small things and will be able to gain better knowledge, gain peace and happiness in life. In addition, it shows that the world or “Sansara” and people’s fight for power is nothing but just the illusion and life cannot be happy from that. Also, I believe that the philosophy of detachment helps to know your Atman or yourself better rather through various teaching.

 8. What is the identity of Vasudeva?

Vasudeva represents as a God who has changed his appearance as a human being- a ferryman, Vasudeva. Vasudeva is the name of the father of Lord Krishna according to Hindu religion, so he is portraying his role as a father figure and he guides Siddhartha to achieve the Enlightenment or blissfulness through the medium of river.




Sunday, September 23, 2012

Art from Emil Nolde

     Emil Nolde was a German painter,printmaker and  is the first expressionists as well as the member of Die Brucke. He is considered to be one of the greatest oil painter and water color painter of the 20th century. He was born in North Germany, near the village of Nolde and his real name was Emil Hansen.He studied in the School of Aplied Arts in Karlsruhe and also spent 3 years taking private painting class after he got rejected from Munich Academy of Fine Arts.He started his career in painting when he was at the age of 35. In 1902,he married to a Danish actress Ada Vistrup, moved to Berlin and changed his last name after his birthplace. He created almost 200 etchings followed by bursts, woodcuts, lithographs and prints. He was expelled from the Akademie der Kunste where he used to work and in 1941 the Nazi forbid him to paint. 1052 of his works were removed from museums and 20 of his works were included in the Degenerate art exhibition. After 1941, he left Berlin and he died in Seebull. In 1944, his Allied raided and destroyed his Berlin studio filled with many valuable works of art. Emil Nolde had received German Order of Merit, West Germany's highest civilization decoration. His famous works were Protrait of young women and child, Prophet and many more.
Alice, 1907
    In this painting Gouache over lithograph technique is used and bright colors like pink, red, orange, light green are used as well as black and light brown.In this painting, a woman is facing towards the wall and showing her back towards the public. The color of her clothes and the wall is bright and feminine which portrays a happy mood. But she has hidden her face towards the wall and is facing downwards with a sad face. Also the color of her face and the black shadow around her face indicates that she is not happy and trying to hide her sad face from others. I think this painting relates the women's situation at that period where they had to show their happiness towards the public and were forced to hide their sadness and oppressed life. From this painting, I can say that the woman feels nothing towards the bright side of the public in front of her sadness which relates to nihilism.

Prophet, 1912

      In this picture, it shows a God figure and from his expression he seems very sad. His eyes shows that he is in deep surrow and looks like he is in lot of pain. His face is all wrinkled, he has a long beard and he looks very tired too. From this, I think that it indicates the devastating result of the World War. The color used is black and white that creates a tragic and dull environment. It is made by woodcut. This can be related to nihilism as it shows the destructiveness that humans were capable of.
Familie, 1917

     In this picture, it shows a family man, his wife and a kid. Both man and woman are naked,very thin and it looks like they are in the jungle which indicates that they have not ate for several days and do not have house and clothes also. As I looked in their face, the man face looks like he is in shock or threatened by something, woman looks very weak and depressed and the kid is trying to hide and is frightened too. As a whole, this picture reflects how the World War had made impact on people's life or it also reflects the poor people's life. The picture is woodcut. Black and white color are used in this picture. I can relate this picture to nihilism as it shows worthless existence.


Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. <>.

A quote from Dada Manifesto

"Each thing has its word, but the word has become a thing by itself. Why shouldn't I find it? Why can't a tree be called Pluplusch, and Pluplubasch when it has been raining? The word, the word, the word outside your domain, your stuffiness, this laughable impotence, your stupendous smugness, outside all the parrotry of your self-evident limitedness. The word, gentlemen, is a public concern of the first importance." Dada Manifesto by Hugo Ball, 1916.
     Hugo Ball is one of the leading Dada artist. I think the above quote indicates that the word 'Dada' has become something very important and focuses to be given priority and think about so that it would help people to think broadly and see the truth and reality of the society which has been oppressed by unrealistic,beautiful arts,philosophies and  other means. He also challanges the random fact by being abstract and different. The author, Hugo Ball is saying this because he does not like the society's terrible act of making people delusional and covering the truth. He wanted people to be aware of the truths, facts and uglienss of the society ( the threat of World War 1, the struggle of middle class, betrayal of the socialist party)through dada and react upon it for their rights and future.

     I chose this quote because it emphasize on necessitiy of focusing on truths and making our mind  broader. I  agree with Hugo as people should be conscious of the society and face the challanges. Also people should start to create awareness to other people.This quote made me think the situation of our everyday life. We give priority to the things that is fun and exciting and we are always running away from the truth that is bitter. I can relate occupy wallstreet movement from this quote.People are living in delusional state and are not aware what is going on in this country as they are distracted by many enjoyable things,and even they knew it they try to avoid it. But the occupy wallstreet movement is trying to create awareness and show the unfairness of today's society.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

German Economy

     German economy is the fifth largest economy in the world and Europe's largest exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals and household equipment and benefits from skilled labor force. Demographic, low fertility rate and declining net immigration are  challanging for continue economy growth, and increasing pressure on the countries social welfare system. Reforms launched by the government helped to strong growth in 2006-2007, whereas 2008-2009 German had to face deepest recession since World War 2 and the unemployement increased to 6.0% in 2011.GDP contracted 5.1% in 2009 but  grew by 3.6% in 2010 and 2.7 in 2011.

     The recovery caused primarily by rebounding manufacturing orders and exports outside the Euro Zone. Stimulus and stabilization efforts initiated in 2008-2009 and tax cuts increased Germany's budget deficit to 3.1% in 2010 but reduced to 1.7% in 2011 due to slower spending and higher tax revenues. In 2011, due to Fukushima nuclear disaster, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced 8 of country's 17 nuclear reactors shut down and remaining would be closed by 2022. Before German relied on nuclear power for 23% of its energy and 46% of its base load electoral production. Now German is hoping to replace nuclear power with renewable energy.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Nihilism In Germany

Doubt as sin.-- Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature- is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.
from Nietzsche's Daybreak,s. 89, R.J. Hollingdale transl
     Nietzche, a German writer ( labeled as nihilists)believed that Christianity leads to Nihilism and "God is dead". He gives several examples showing the destructive nature, pressure and negativitism of religion(Christianity), for example, asceticism, dancing mania and many more.
     In the above quotation, I think Nietzsche mentions the conservative and biased side of Christianity in which if someone doubts on Christianity,it is considered sin. As he mentions that human nature is filled with mixed opinions, curiosity and rationalizing things, it is ok to question the proof of God, its existence and the theory written in the religion and is legitimate too. But Christianity says that to doubt or question God is sin or crime. In addition, Christianity encourages and awares people to believe in God closing their eyes, without questioning no matter how unfair and unreasonable it would sound, otherwise they are criminals in front of God and will be punished.
     I think in today's generation there is a mixed opinion towards the religion. Some people think that there is no scientific proof that shows that God do exist and support Nietzsche's theory and they are moving forward in their lives focusing on rationalizing things. Some people are blinded by the religion and follow Christianity without any questioning. In contrast, some people think that religion is a medium to unite people and try to get benefit from it, so we can see politicians and leaders using the name of religion to get support,vote from the people and to justify their actions. Also, there are people who believe in Christianity or any religion which encourage them to be desciplined, to be faithful, to unite and to help and support each other in difficult situations.